The ways we discovered, raked up or opened. Walking is what is all about, so we just share some places we loved, nothing more. Just take these as what they are: suggestions. Don't get too fixated on the exact path we followed but open a new one on your own. The stop we will list are not just an idea on where to sleep but an extra stage on our spiritual travel. A lot of these hamlets will have something special to see, and maybe this special thing is the hamlet itself: these little communities that still survive astray from the big towns we are used too are something very peculiar. Live them, go around and talk with people or just sit and look around: it will be worth your time.

Antler's Way

The deer's pride. Our first way through the Foreste Casentinesi.

Stage # From Via (suggestion) To
1 Premilcuore Monte Tiravento,Passo della Braccina,Corniolo San Paolo in Alpe
2 San Paolo in Alpe La Lama Rifugio Cotozzo
3 Rifugio Cotozzo Passo Fangacci, Casanova dell'Alpe La Confluenza B&B
4 La Confluenza B&B Pietrapazza Bagno di Romagna

Warthog's Way

This one can be connected to the Antler's Way (at the last stage when on Valbura's Pass just head south to Premilcuore). It's a bit more harsh in th environment but still has some great landscape to be seen

Stage # From Via (suggestion) To
1 Marradi Monte Prevaligo Crespino del Lamone
2 Crespino del Lamone Poggio degli Allocchi, Fornello Gattaia
3 Gattaia Poggio al Tiglio Farfareta
4 Farfareta Monte Peschiena San Benedetto in Alpe
5 San Benedetto in Alpe Passo Valbura, Monte Vecchio Portico di Romagna