This is a list of places we went to and we loved for some reason or simply said something to us. Pieces of our souls will live there, forever encapsulated in an infinite moment.

Name Coords Access point Picture Note KmFS
Vulcanino del Monte Busca 44.0464417, 11.7735349 The flame has been lit. Now our eyes are open and we can see. We can dwelve into our souls and look at the world with renewd joy. 19km
Acquacheta 43.9923665, 11.6449132 Too dark to even try Silence. Darkness. The noisy water. Frogs all along and a running deer. If this is not magical I don't know what it is. The moon shines upon us. 17.8km
Corno del Cervo From 43.8796, 11.808 to 43.8858, 11.8106 The view while going up An unexpected deviation that seemed short in the beginning; we didn't get in account the fog though. Somewhat mystical if you ask me, since we didn't know the name was referred to Antler until back home. 0.782km
San Paolo in Alpe 43.8769728, 11.7992764 The place where everything began. Chosen randomly amongst a thousand initial possibility. Day or night, sun or rain, it's always a good omen to come here. 0km
Ronco dei Preti - IGM Shrine 43.8865154, 11.8018412 View from the top Atop the ridge that looks over Ridracoli. A little viewpoint for sitting and thinking silently. Nearby a shrine was found overlooking the other valley. Blessed are the people who create this and allow us to use our maps. 1.09km
Ballatoio 43.8671229, 11.7666944 Inside the hut Reached in the early morning in full darkness and under heavy rain. A repair from the gloomy air around us. We also left the first track of our riot in the guestbook inside. A lot was told inside while waiting for the sun to vanquish the night: it was about magical rings and that sort of stuff. 2.81km
Crinale della Vacca From 43.875, 11.8005 to 43.8728, 11.8233 The view is magnificent all along Great landscape at 360• around us. Nothing in the way, the world is for us to explore. 0.256km
Monte Piano (Viewpoint) 43.861717, 11.930950 At the top of the world Too many unmapped places, too many path to see, too many things to be 10.8km